Paper cards, bellybands and tags customization

Our digitally printed, hand cut cards, bellybands and tags may be customized in a multitude of ways. All customization is done by hand with individual attention to all details. In order to have a smooth design and production process, please read the Customization page and submit the following when relevant to your order:
  • Wording: please submit exact wording as you would like it printed. Please send wording in body of e-mail - Word files, jpegs or other attachments are not accepted at this time for customization submission. Minor wording changes are perfectly fine during the editing process. If you need to change more than a couple of words, please resubmit the entire text. Please note we do not proofread the text, only format it - please double check grammar and spelling before submitting.
  • Hand drawn paper edge: for certain styles only, in metallic gold or silver. Please see below.
  • Corner options: for certain cards and tags - please see images below
  • Illustration color(s): please choose from the chart below. If using more than one color, please be specific. Please note certain illustrations may not be customized.
  • Font style(s): please choose from the chart below. If using more than one font style, please be specific
    Font color(s): please choose from the color chart below. If using more than one font color, please be specific
  • Ribbon color: for our tags and certain bellybands, we offer a large selection of ribbon colors to coordinate with our printed colors, please inquire
  • Bellyband color for boxes: pearlized white; black matte; light heather green matte ; dark olive green matte; grocery bag matte; metallic cream,  gold, silver, copper, coral, lavender, charcoal grey, navy, dark eggplant, dark red. Custom printed box bellybands will be printed on matte white or cream only.
  • Envelope color options: White or cream envelopes are made of 70lb text weight paper and have a straight flap; grocery bag envelopes are 100% recycled, and are made of 60 or 70lb text weight paper and also have a straight flap. Contour flap envelopes are also available in select sizes in white or cream.


Illustration and font color chart on white or cream background


Illustration and font color chart on aged background


Font style chart


Edge options

Straight corner, straight edge

Rounded corner

Victorian corner

Large scalloped edge

Small scalloped edge

Hand drawn gold or silver edge

Envelope color options:

Contour flap envelopes:


An extended font style chart

Please check the Turnaround time page for standard and rush design and production times.

We are constantly adding new items.

For inquiries, please contact us via e-mail.